Worksheet for Testing Multiple Development Debit and Compensatory Mitigation Credit Transactions at one or more Mitigation and Conservation Banks

To determine net mitigation credit remaining and its credit dollar value from a debit/credit transaction, enter the information requested in each of the data entry boxes below and press the calculate buttons. If you want to derive the total credits available and their value for a newly established mitigation bank, make sure to enter 0-acres into the development acres input boxes. If there are any transactions that are not going to be used to generate credits or debits, enter 0 in their mitigation acres and 0 in their development acres data input boxes. Note: All transaction table buttons must be selected at least once to allow all the calculated data input query boxes to be populated and to subsequently allow the sum statistics for total credits remaining and their values to be calculated. Also, be aware the compensatory mitigation type titles of these transaction tables are only suggestions to help you organize your data entry. In reality each transaction table is configured to make identical calculations. The differences in outputs will depend on the data you enter into each table. In Oregon, except possibly for the Portland Harbor Superfund Mitigation Banks, all development multiplier ratios are 1-debit: 1-acre. It is uncertain at this time if this will also apply to the Portland Harbor Superfund Mitigation Bank Primary Responsible Parties with existing accrued Superfund cleanup related debits. Another possibility might be that the inverse of the mitigation divider ratio will be used as the development / pollution site multiplier ratios. So, for example, if the mitigation divider ratio is 1-credit: 0.077-acre (this is close to the ratio the Alder Creek Mitigation Bank is reportedly currently using) then the development / pollution site multiplier ratios applied as debits against that bank could be ~ 13-debits: 1-acre. Portland Harbor Superfund Mitigation Banks, even though some are already actively selling credits, are still working out many of the details of their credit/debit exchange system. This worksheet will be updated to accomodate any new information as it becomes available. Finally, it is important to understand that once credits have been calculated for a given mitigation bank, they are stored as a collective array of credits disassociated with the specific acreage that generated them. Therefore, credits to off-set debits are withdrawn from the entire bank, not a specific acreage or mitigation type. Finally, it is also worth noting if you enter data from some of the existing operational bank ledgers and derive different outcomes than reported in the ledgers, there are several possible explanations. For example, data entry errors can lead to different outcome results. Other factors may also include but are not necessarily limited to: 1. the number of decimal places used in data entry, 2. undocumented Chair approved changes in the final mitigation acreage calculations, 3. ledger and / or report duplication errors, 4. authorized mitigation activity omission errors, etc. The final responsibilities and authorities over mitigation bank credit allotment, tracking, and transparent reporting are relegated to the mitigation bank Chairs.

Restoration Wetland Debit / Credit
Development Acres:
Mitigation Acres:
Development Multiplier:
Mitigation Divider:
Price Per Credit:
Number of Credits Required:
Total Credit Cost:
Remaining Credits Available:
Remaining Credit Value:

Enhance Prior Converted Debit / Credit
Development Acres:
Mitigation Acres:
Development Multiplier:
Mitigation Divider:
Price Per Credit:
Number of Credits Required:
Total Credit Cost:
Remaining Credits Available:
Remaining Credit Value:

Enhance Wetland Debit / Credit
Development Acres:
Mitigation Acres:
Development Multiplier:
Mitigation Divider:
Price Per Credit:
Number of Credits Required:
Total Credit Cost:
Remaining Credits Available:
Remaining Credit Value:

Create Wetland Debit / Credit
Development Acres:
Mitigation Acres:
Development Multiplier:
Mitigation Divider:
Price Per Credit:
Number of Credits Required:
Total Credit Cost:
Remaining Credits Available:
Remaining Credit Value:

Buffer Debit / Credit
Development Acres:
Mitigation Acres:
Development Multiplier:
Mitigation Divider:
Price Per Credit:
Number of Credits Required:
Total Credit Cost:
Remaining Credits Available:
Remaining Credit Value:

Other Debit / Credit
Development Acres:
Mitigation Acres:
Development Multiplier:
Mitigation Divider:
Price Per Credit:
Number of Credits Required:
Total Credit Cost:
Remaining Credits Available:
Remaining Credit Value:

Sum Credits
Sum of Total Credits Required
Sum of Total Credits Cost
Total Remaining Credits Available:
Total Remaining Credit Value:

Author: John Marshall